Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


I had an early start today making sandwiches for the travellers. Then drove them to the Ferryport to catch the boat to Holyhead for their onward trip to Liverpool.

When I waved them off I grabbed a coffee and parked in Sandymount to watch the boat heading off.

I then played 3 sets of tennis at 9.30am with Margaret, Martina and Rachel.  Then quick shower before going to Dun Laoghaire to the IMC cinema to watch Maudie at 12.15. I went alone as none of my friends around to join me.  The film was made by Aisling Walsh who graduated from the Dun Laoghaire College of Art & Design (IADT). So not sure if its released outside Ireland.

It was both beautiful and sad at the same time.

Advantages of going to the cinema alone: NONE

Disadvantages of going to the cinema alone: TOO NUMEROUS

I am really tired now - but I want to be up around 5am tomorrow to see this meteor shower

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