Silly Saturday: This Blip was meant to be a Hawk!!
We were meant to be going on a Hawk Walk this afternoon on a beautiful stretch of the Tyne between Newburn and Wylam. Our lovely 3 sons clubbed together to give us this as a Christmas present last December and we finally managed to find time to book it.
We've been watching today's weather forecast for the last few days. Every time we looked, it got worse. This morning dawned dry and quite bright but as the morning went on the rain came, along with a forecast of an 80% chance of the rain being really heavy at the time of our walk. So we had to cancel: the very helpful chap said that the birds wouldn't be very happy either, they'd just sit in the trees getting wet. So we're waiting for him to get back to us with an alternative date.
The forecast for tomorrow is glorious! - but his diary is already fully booked for then.
The blip shows the water pouring from the drainpipe into our water butt.
Silly Saturday - Silly Weather!
PS Hawk Walk now rebooked for 6th September :-))
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