
Click click
That's cool
Can you look at me?
Turn slightly to the right
Face left a bit
Stand up
Now sit
I love the glow of your hair in this light

Today I did my first sort of photo shoot for Sam. I met her at an all you can eat Chinese. After chatting for a bit while she helped me with the menu making sure I didn't eat anything with gluten in it, we swapped numbers. She works 3 jobs and is going to college studying hairdressing. She has three projects to complete for her course and needs photos of all of them, so when she asked me if I would take them, I jumped at the chance.
This hairstyle/project is called 'Graffiti' I hope Sam and her model Catherine will be happy with the shots I took. Next up are 'Red Carpet' and 'George Orwell's 1984' I can't wait to go back for them... If she wants me to.

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