... Topical one way or another :-/ ?
I'd have liked this image to be sharper, but just didn't have time to pop out again and perfect it.
It appears that there a load of little octopuses (octopi?) waiting to hatch out on the garden netting? (Who knew?).
And (more to the point) if they do, shall they be eating the only six blueberries we've managed to grow??
We shall see.
You know that Sir Walter Scott quote?
The one about 'what tangled webs we weave..'?
I'm here to tell you that they can exist whether we first practise to deceive or whether we live our lives apparently innocently and blamelessly minding our own bees wax.
But hey!
It is Friday though.
And the red wine forecast is looking...?
Happy Friday one and all :-)
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