K-9 Getting Waterwise

'K' is for K-9! Hiehiehie

A swimming pool is totally not her thing! A&R jr will have to coach her quite a bit before she will become a champion swimmer, but we will just have to do it since the pool is not covered in summer and she must know her way in as well as out! We had quite a lot of fun watching her 'mastering the moves', but the most beautiful of it all is to see the trust she has in the ability of the two young people to keep her safe! Priceless!!

I felt better today, the wounds seem to have calmed down now, thanks to the antibiotics in extreme doses as well as the infra-red lamp! I am soooo totally battling to keep my eyes open now, phew! Please look back at my backblips, I filled all the gaps since 16 September!

Tahnk you for all your positive thoughts, I deeply rely on them and appreciate them!'

Wishing you all a good week, tomorrow is a public holiday in South Africa and we plan to relax at home like we did today! Sheer bliss!


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