Water Lily

I'm very behind on blip, both posting and commenting, but I've been entertaining our visitors, so apologies for the lack of comments!

I picked Karen & Andy up at their hotel and we went into Rottingdean.  We called in to see Elif in her shop and Karen made a couple of purchases for gifts, and then we had a stroll round the village with Coco.  Whenever I go to see Elif, Coco gets very excited as she hopes she'll be coming home with me to see the boys, so today she came with us and the boys were very excited to see her!

Before heading home we went to Molly's at the beach for a drink where the sun made a very brief appearance, and when it came out it was very hot!   It's just a shame it was only brief, but by the time we'd got home and sat it the garden it was cloudy again.  

The rest of the afternoon was spent in the garden, having nibbles and prosecco and I'd made Jamie Oliver's beef tagine followed by amaretto meringues with strawberries and home picked blackberries. 

As for my blip, the village pond is full of water lilies at the moment, and it's about the only photo I've taken today!

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