Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull

Edinburgh Open Doors

Had a nice relaxing day today wandering around the New Town taking advantage of the Edinburgh Open Doors event.

First we went to the Edinburgh Photographic Society and had a look around their premises; then we trotted up to the Royal Society of Physicians in their grand and elegant building on Queen Street; after that we were treated to a very expensive coffee and cake by the beautiful boyfriend's lovely mother, before heading off to the Danish Cultural Institute to indulge our scandophilia (where this cute little faun was holding up the ornate fireplace). Finally we went to the B+B Edinburgh on Rothsay Place, which was home to Mr. John Ritchie Finlay, former editor of The Scotsman - what a beautiful building.

Picked up some Chinese food on the way home, to replace all the burnt calories and now it's time to watch an episode of The Killing before doing some reading and going to bed.

Hopefully tomorrow will be more lab. work. I've heard reports of heavy rain forecasts, though, so not looking forward to that!

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