Brig o' Waithe (Day 825)

Another fine morning for a wander up the hill with the woofers. There was clearly something very interesting in the undergrowth which the dogs spent ages trying to find.
Back home I got myself organised and headed off to work, and actually managed to do a little bit of plumbing this morning.
I scooted home at lunchtime and had lunch with my beautiful wife before chopping down a bit of plywood to make a base for the shower tray.
On the way back to Stromness, I thought I would stop off at the Brig o' Waithe for a shot of the bridge with a nice big blue sky behind it. Unfortunately I didn't notice that the camera was still set to black and white from a couple of days ago. Idiot.
Back at work I managed to get a fair bit done. It is good to be finally putting things back rather than ripping out badly done rubbish.

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