A confused genius

By Lez11

The best chip shop in the world

I was up early again this morning as I'm struggling to sleep at the moment for some reason. I decided to get up and do my ironing.

I met my sister and neice for a coffee and popped up the bookies with my brother and had a couple of cheeky bets on the football. Unfortunatly lady luck wasn't shining on me today unlike last night at the horses.

I also went to my moms for a loverly Sunday roast dinner before I went to asda for my big shop. I popped to the gym for an hour and spent most of the afternoon watching the F1, 20-20 cricket and the football.

To be fair it's just been another typical Sunday.

I did however have a conversation with my sister about where the best chip shop is as we had a bag of chips for dinner yesterday (pic). We both decided it was the black country chippy in great bridge, you can't beat battered orange chips.

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