Not been in, but this latest addition to Leith Walk's variety of different shops from various parts of the world, looks quite inviting. I didn't have my wallet with me, so I couldn't even pop in to buy something I didn't really need, and anyway we are trying to run our stocks down now in anticipation...

I'm doing double doses at the PT from now on for the last couple of weeks, just to give me a boost. That was a bit of a challenge because Monday's sore throat and Tuesday's achey limbs have now morphed into a head cold.  So I'm very snuffly and it was all rather hard work.

Apart from that, today was mainly about reading and dealing with insurers of various different things that need insuring. Don't ask. Generally not impressed by the people who apparently currently insure me for various risks, but reasonably impressed by another company that demonstrated a great deal of flexibility, reflecting our complex lives these days.

In other news, it's all a bit scary between the US under Trump and North Korea, isn't it?

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