
A productive day. Big swim in the morning and then a rare bit of time at home when I just sat down and finished my book. I used to read all the time but a mixture of children and the internet mean that these days I'm pretty rubbish. I made a resolution at the start of the year to try and read one book a month. It seemed a realistic target until it was pointed out that, under some bizarre house rules, sports biographies apparently don't count. Eh? So In Pursuit Of Glory has not in fact been my book for September, and Racing Through The Dark which is sitting right next to me as I type will not count as my book for October either. That's harsh.

An afternoon of fresh air for all of us. Walks up Craiglockhart Hill and around Craighouse campus before a visit to the Community Garden and playground on the way home. Quite weary. A night of not much beckons.

OK, bit of music to close. Sunday dinner is being cooked around me and this is on the kitchen stereo right now.

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