Marked with a cross

Another pretty miserable day, so quite a bit of sorting has gone on. I found a box of old photos that had mostly been sorted, but not quite. So of course I had to stop everything and finish this task!!
Now these are very old – 1953 to be precise. I came across this postcard, which my mother had obviously sent my grandma when we were on holiday in a caravan in Ulrome, Skipsea. (How I come to have it now I have no idea!). We used to go every year when I was a child and think this must have been the first time, as my mother was quite excitedly telling my grandma all about it. She has even marked ‘our caravan’ with a cross. The photos are among the ones from the same year – me when I was about 5. Some friends used to come and visit us, or maybe they stayed too – I don’t know, but there we all are on the beach.
The sad thing is that the whole caravan site is now gone – into the sea. Every year when we went to the site, we found the front caravans had been moved back a bit, as the cliff edge fell in with the action of the sea. I remember some very precarious steps that we used to get down to the beach – one year they had disappeared.
   Last year we went to see what had happened and this is what we found . . . 

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