Given up

I apologise to all the blippers who don't like spiders for posting one again today. When I went out onto my balcony this morning, something had been blown into this spider's web and I watched it trying to remove the object from its web for a while. When it didn't succeed after a few attempts, it gave up and went back to the centre of its web.

Apparently today's entry is my 1825th blip. I'd been made aware of it a couple of days ago and though I would go to the nature reserve to see if I could spot something interesting there if the weather was nice. Unfortunately, it was already raining when I woke up this morning so I stayed home instead to do some housework and cleaning. The rain continued for most of the day and even when it eventually did stop, the sky remained grey and gloomy.

When I posted my first entry, I had no idea how long I would be able to keep this journal going and I definitely didn't think I would still be here 5 years later, especially as there have been quite a few changes since then. I was unemployed back then and as my mother did part of the housework, I had considerably more time to wander around looking for blips.

Somewhere along the line though I started a new job and in 2014, my mother's health began to deteriorate until she eventually passed away later that year.  Not only having to do everything on my own now, but also going from part time to a full time job has considerably reduced my spare time and I now have to photograph whatever I can whenever I can. I feel that this has also changed the character of my journal somewhat, for which I apologise. Sadly, I also don't have as much time anymore as I used to to spend on commens on other journals, but I do try to look at them when I can.

I used to enjoy walking dogs from the rescue centre and joining the nature society on their monthly walks at the reserve, but unfortunately I've had to give that up. Not only because of the lack of time, but also because I can't get there on time anymore after work. Even if that wasn't the case though, I must admit that I wouldn't feel up to it either at that point as my job already requires me to be on my feet virtually my entire shift.

Anyway, enough about me. I'm very glad and grateful that Blipfoto still exists, thanks to the efforts of everyone at BlipCentral. Also, I'd like to thank everyone, not only for the comments and stars on yesterday's blip, but especially for your kind words and support when I lost my mother, my cockatiel Mieke and more recently my rabbit Rosie.

What lies ahead now? Do I keep posting an entry every day or do I follow the spider's example and give up on that, running the risk that I may give up altogether if I choose the latter? I really can't say right now.

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