A very rainy day

Freed from the disaster they called a cricket match I have a free day before setting off home. So thoughts of photography across the normally beautiful East coast until I wake up and the east coast isn't there. Shrouded in mists and endless, sometimes driving, rain the thought of leaving the hotel to explore, even find, the coast recedes. So it becomes a day of sitting in these comfy chairs (see blip) so I can get clear wifi, drinking tea, eating sandwiches, more tea, watching for a gap in the rain. It doesn't come so I will finish the book, drift to my room for an afternoon nap, then look forward to a final night of good food before journeying home tomorrow. At least no more cricket to depress me.

My extra is of a sunset last night seen at dinner and taken through the window.

Enjoy your day wherever you are hope it is dry.

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