Rudbeckia and Friend(s)

On returning home l was pleased to find l had a small tax rebate!
Went online to claim it but the tax office have misspelt my name yet again so it was an hour trying to sort it out.
I've had this problem for the last thirty years so it wasn't a surprise, have spent so much time trying to get it right over the years.
Let's see what happens...
Also on the subject of money, the lining of my purse got trapped in the zip yesterday, so even though we both tried every method we could think of to free it l've had to succumb and cut it open, it was my Orla Kiely purse too!
So not much done this morning, unpacked, washer on get the picture.
Got my hair tamed as my hairdresser squeezed me in without an appointment.
Saw this Rudbeckia on the way there.
So now going into Leeds to get a new purse, might try and persuade Mr P to come along and we can have a meal there.
We did a shop at the Costco in Cheshire on the way home yesterday and spent well over £100 but surprisingly l don't have everything to make a meal with, could be that the money went on a new puffa jacket and some walking shoe/trainers!

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