
By Beewriter

Where are they now?

Well, I was back to work today, but it was a good day so I don't mind. 

On the way to the session in Oldham we passed a kitchen shop and one of my colleagues commented that it belonged to 'That right dodgy fella'. I went to school with that 'right dodgy fella', he was a cheeky, but likeable rogue then....a bit of a bad lad, but you couldn't help but like him. I think he just went down hill after leaving school. You certainly wouldn't let him near your house never mind your kitchen now. I've seen him interviewed on TV after there have been new complaints and he is between prison stints. He has a name that is easily recognisable so why people still buy from Vance Miller I don't know!

I was chatting to a donor as I put her needle in and she started reminiscing about childhood friends and whether it would be good to meet them again. I told her about Vance Miller....she had heard of him. We had a good old chat about characters from our school days. She had very small, neat handwriting and that sparked a memory from when I was about seven. I used to sit next to Barry Piper and all I remember about him was that we used to try and see who could write the smallest....this usually ended with us having to redo work as it was too small to read. I wonder what happened to Barry Piper. 

Some names just stick in your head, don't they? I wonder what Ricardo Unger ended up doing or Melanie Roxby???........Oh so long ago.

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