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Amazing blue sky this evening. With some very welcomed clouds. It was still 30°C in the shade when I took the dogs out at 8 pm, but the clouds took off the scorchio. It was hot and humid, but compared to resent days and evenings, it was bearable.

Tuesday should be last day with Lucifer. On Wednesday we should get thunder and temperatures dropping to cool 30°C. On Thursday the max looks to be only 27°C at this point. Even if we only have one cooler day that helps to stand few more weeks. Last year the temperatures dropped permanently to under 30°C around mid September. Before that it was still around 34°C. They have forecast warmer fall than usual. And also with this intense heat they say heavy storms are very likely after summer.

In Finland it's been coldest summer for 40 years. At least that's what I read. Apparently it's been cool and raining all summer long. On Tuesday they might get as high temperature as 22°C. Here it doesn't go under 24°C even during nights. Not fair.

I don't know if I've told this before, but I saw these statistics about Spanish summer since 1971. The summer (hot period) ends these days about 2 weeks after they approximately ended in the early 70's. But the hot period starts 2 months earlier than they used to. So the Spanish hot summer used to be about 2 months 40-50 years ago, now it's 4 months. Of course Spain is a big country and there are local differences, but in my mind this is quite a huge change in weather.

Check out this video demonstrating the climate change in different continents! It's temperature anomalies arranged by country 1900 - 2016. That's eye opening! 

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