Odd offerings out & about

By roymci

Diageo silver birch

This a silver birth downwind of the bonded whisky warehouses in Bonnybridge. The trees are all covered in a black mould allegedly caused by ethanol vapours also known as the Angels Share.

It's a hot topic again because an American firm have come over to start a class action suit this week to prove that this is in fact the cause. Quite a few housing estates and as far as the primary school are affected by the mould but it has always been argued that it has been circumstantial.

Some of the articles recently are here and here.

The diagio spokesman said "As an industry committed to the highest standards of environmental responsibility, there is continual research into our processes.

"This research has found a complex range of naturally occurring microflora at warehouse sites and that the same microflora is present widely across the environment in the UK.

"No direct association between ethanol and microflora was found. Instead, the microflora appears to grow wherever the prevailing environmental conditions (such as light, moisture, temperature, nutrients) support that growth.

"If there is a change to the scientific evidence, we can assure you that the industry would consider what the most appropriate, proportionate and effective way forward might be."

Information manipulation more alive than ever in 2012.

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