In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'Spring is Here'

Another gorgeous day today.

MrsR took B to a fairy birthday party this morning for a friend from playgroup while D and I went shopping. New sneakers and the Lord of The Rings trilogy for D bought with his birthday money. He's really interested in the hobbits after MrsR was telling him the story on our long car trips through New Zealand. He had a million and one questions about it all and has been obsessed since.

Oh, about this shot, while on a weekend away in Mansfield MrsR spotted this Martin Boyd vase in the back room of a shop we stopped at for lunch, they had all sorts of second hand stuff for sale, but ths one stood out and was quickly snaffled up (everything else was pretty junky) not sure the owners of the shop knew the importance of what they were selling and we picked up this piece for a steal. B was out in the garden this morning and picked this lavender. This is sitting just inside our front door. I like the look of the purple against the background wall colour.

Uncle S came to visit thisafternoon, fresh home from his round the world buying trip and was still feeling pretty jetlagged. He missed out on B's birthday earlier this month so we had another small celebration for it. Uncle S bought over special cupcakes and a NO.3 sparkler for them.

I spent a while out in the garden trying to tame the new Spring growth and get it back under control again.

Great win to the Hawks last night in a really fantastic tight game, we just managed to hang on by 5 points. My heart was thumping throughout this awesome game. Looking forward to us taking on the Sydney Swans next weekend in the Grand Final.

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