
By atoll

Beware Low Flying Retriever

After yesterday, I was a bit reluctant to include this further example of my plane-watching, but there was something about the confluence of the plane, the runner and the early morning mist on Tatton Mere that I liked ( as well as the bird sat atop the post in the water). A blip Perfect Storm I thought.

Typical also that I was a bit spoiled for choice today, also having an interesting series of distant shots of a photographer, with a monster telephoto and tripod, 'stalking' a herd of Red Deer in Tatton Park. Without a zoom of my own though, that detail was just a bit too small.

I only left the house this morning at 7:30am to get a Saturday paper, but what with it being the Equinox and a beautiful morning, I suddenly found myself wandering through the park with my newspaper looking for a nice bench to sit and read a while.

I found this one, but of course everything was soaking wet. Soon after this picture was taken , and being somewhat preoccupied looking skywards, I was literally bowled over by a mad-careering Golden Retriever, who first aiming straight at me, didn't seem to then have any brakes to apply. I laughed, picked myself up, and his owner (another jogger) ran past without even a word.

Me and MrsB are off to Anglesey later today for one night, just to check the house and post, and have a nice long walk on the beach at Red Wharf Bay.

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