An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Flower Faffery...

David and Kenny were playing golf this morning and Ele and I had the choice of joining them at the clubhouse for breakfast or having tea and toast at ours then going out for lunch.  We chose the latter.

The weather was a bit changeable again but by the time we headed to Broadslap Farm just after 1pm the sun was shining so we braved leaving our jackets behind.  

The coffee shop was busy as folk piled in for refreshment after strawberry picking, but we managed to sneak a table for two with a lovely view of the countryside and the barley fields.  I was annoyed that I hadn't taken my camera but when it's me that's driving I don't usually bother.  Must change that habit.

We had a lovely lunch followed by coffee and didn't get back home till just after 4.30pm.  The golfers had returned but the least said about their round, the better.  At least it didn't rain.

Took advantage of Ele and Kenny being here to let Alan get a session in the pool.  We bought him a neck float and used it for the first time and it was fantastic.  The new routine to get him in and out of the pool went like clockwork so we are now ready to train his team and before long, he will be getting into the pool regularly.  We are ALL happy about this.

Late dinner due to pool shenanigans, which David has just made for us all (retirement definitely agrees with him as with more time on his hands, he's cooking more.  Suits me :-) so will try and get back for a catch up after dinner and once Ele and Kenny head home.

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