Small fell, big view

Classic lakeland from Black Crag.
I've never been up here before - what a wonderful all round panorama for a small fell. I could see these classic lakeland fells and then look the other way to Coniston, Esthwaite, Windermere and right across to Ingleborough in Yorkshire.  I have been very drawn here lately, not sure why, it's a bit crazy in the height of the tourist season and yet, it is still possible to have the place almost to yourself for much of the day just off the main routes. I was within spitting distance of the Tarn Hows hoards. I always think this area has the feel of alpine pastures with lovely views of the big guys in every direction. As a buzzard cried overhead I found one of the most peaceful spots I've come across in the central lakes, High Arnside Tarn, which was alive with darting electric blue damsel flies and a family group of red deer slipped away into the trees.

As I walked I had an idea for a Richard Long inspired Walking the Line (extra). I've always been fascinated and impressed by Paula's river journeys. The idea might begin and end here and even if it takes off it won't be as well researched or organised but I have it mind to follow in G's footsteps. It has occurred to me before but it fixed more firmly in my mind today as I looked across to the start (extra - looking across to Helm Crag, the dark fell in the middle ground, and on up towards Helvellyn). Like all journeys, they start somewhere, it just depends on where you define the start point. 

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