Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


One of the trees in our front garden was all a-tweet with lorikeets this morning, which made me really pleased. When I got back from my run (just a short 4km recovery one today, after yesterday's 10k, which followed 3 weeks/2 weekends of no running) I saw them and flew inside and back out with my camera. I only got a couple of shots before the cheeky beggars flew off, but happily they returned and I got a few more, and better, pics - including this one.

I reckon it'd be worth checking out moar biggerer.

I almost blipped this one, but mrs tsuken correctly picked the coolness of the one I've gone with. I also like this one nomming. One thing though: all that foliage is really sucky for auto-focus, and the manual focus ring on the Lumix lenses is not exactly the world's greatest. xP

The rest of the day saw chewy oat, raisin, and choc chip bikkies being made, as well as cleaning of floors and such scintillating activity. ;-)

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