
As I have no doubt mentioned on here before, I first got into low carbing after reading William Leith's excellent 'The Hungry Years: Confessions of a Food Addict'. And while there's no doubt that it's a very effective as a method of losing weight, there are just too many things I like that have carbs in. What works for me is calorie counting: I can stick to a budget. (Especially when I can increase that budget by exercising.)

That said, I still stay away from those foods that have a strong impact on my blood sugar levels: the "bad carbs". They are the little devils that lead to me eating when I'm not hungry. But I have found a place for a bit of low carbing in my current diet and I've been eating protein balls, which I buy from the prosaically named Protein Ball Co. 

However, we took some protein balls from the Bees with us to Wales, which inspired the Minx to experiment with making her own and here is one of the results of her efforts. Delicious!

-11.4 kgs
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