Growing old disgracefully



I've been very touched by all your good wishes - blipwise and  other wise - in response to yesterday's post.  One person send me 'strength via Facebook' saying 'I know that's not even a 'thing', but if the positive boost I had since yesterday is anything to go by, social media strength is certainly  a 'thing'!

Be assured that I am fine.  Sometimes life comes at such a pace and with such unexpected pressures that it can feel as though we cannot breathe.  A lovely summer morning working hard in the garden, plus two loads of sweet smelling dry laundry sorted me right out. 

I never cease to be amazed at how my sadly neglected garden continues to produce wonders with very little intervention on my part.  Today's basket is just a small sample of the plenty.  It's such a privilege to have this lovely space and even more to be surrounded by wee people we love dearly.  If we did not love, maybe we would have no heartache - but then, given the choice, would we still choose love?  I think I would.  At these times, this is the song that is always in my head, tho' I'm not thinking like Piaf of an absent lover (the Professor is firmly ensconced in my house and heart) but of certain choices I have made in life that have brought me that inescapable mixture of pain and joy, darkness and light.

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