Potted Squizzer

For this you will require;

- Container, plastic with lid (for all the good that does)   x 1 
- Birdseed, any type will do but our assorted budgies prefer Lidl's  x loads
- Squizzer, cheeky   x 1

Earlier this week Mrs B asked me why I hadn't replaced the lid on the birdfeed container correctly, as it was now lying on the floor of the outhouse. I was pretty sure I had but as I have previous, I pled guilty and promised not to do it again.

Today as I was washing my coffee cup before leaving for work, I looked up to see the aforementioned lid, lying on the floor again.

"Bugger", says I,  "that's me done for this time!"

But then I notice movement from within the container as Mr Squizzer (the accused) helped himself (allegedly) to the birdseed. He was even so blasé that I had time to get a poor quality blip (evidence) in order to prove my innocence (hurrah).

** No squizzers were harmed in the blipping of this blip (see extra).

Have a good weekend blippers and squizzers alike :-))

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