Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Night Hill

A frosty start to the day, a wee bit of excitement on the hill this morning as I found one of the morning regulars without his owner. Managed to keep him with us until the owner appeared. He had been looking for him, he disappeared on another scent to be found again.

The girls had the quarter final in the Scottish cup today, they tried their best which is all we can asked but the better team won playing some good football. We had our chances but it was not to be.

Eco daughter took a bad tackle, which produced a yellow card for the young lady, she may have a broken toe, will check it out tomorrow.

One of the fellow dog walkers came down to walk which was nice.

Back home and grass cut and headed up to the Observatory for open doors, spend chat with some scientists and engineers.

Felt like an evening walk with Juno, it was wonderful. A young couple sat in the grass sipping wine from paper cup gazing into each other eyes with that youngful love look. Juno walked up and put her head between them.

On the summit some youngsters where singing and smiling, a man was doing stretching on another wee bump. I must do this more often.

Papers and cups of tea in the bedroom as the kitchen is a gambling and drinking den for teenagers. I have offered cups of tea and advice on alcohol consumption.

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