Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Hot summer colors

I have been sitting at the computer most of the day cleaning up 3 months of photos..yikes..way too many taken and most are just good for the trash. 

Most of the photos were from new places  (or old places revisited) where I am seeing with new eyes.  Each time I go somewhere I find so much that captures my attention and is worthy of a photo.  Most of my photos of places are shared on Facebook for friends and family to see where I am or what I have been doing.   Most of these are eventually deleted with only a few keepers.  

Some photos are for daily prompts for Instagram post or online classes. More thinking involved in those photos which fall into the same category..deletes or keepers.    I try to get a better handle on this type of photo.  Trying black and white or shooting in manual mode...which I don't normally do in the every day photos I take.    Challanges are always good for me as I work instead of being lazy.  

My favorite photos each month are posted on my Flickr account which I started way back in 2010.   It is really interesting to see what caught my attention when I first started sharing my photos.     I can see some new interests such as abstracts and simplicity emerging.   

People talk about a photographic style or vision.  I have too many interests to pinpoint this.   Something I need to work on developing which might help with not taking the gazillion of photos that I end up deleting.

Photography is such a learning experience.  Not only the camera functions but about myself as a creative person.

Abstracts are scattered all through the last 7 years even though I really did not know what they were at the beginning.  This one is a photo of a photo hanging in my house.    I don't know that it is really abstract..probably more of impressionistic.  

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