ella, reupholstered! I'm blipping this mainly as the new seat covers will never look this nice and new again.

we did a looong run today. I was determined to do a half marathon before our holiday, so I managed that in 2hrs 30 which is ok - especially since is was boiling hot. the sweat was pouring off me, and I feel weather beaten now. beefy did 12.5 miles and had a crap time. he wasn't into it and couldn't shake it off...I tried to gee him up but gave up at about 8 miles and left him to his carry on. he was being annoying. he got there in the end though!

pretty knackered for the rest of the day, but we managed to pack most of the van and landy then get the shopping done...like a couple of zombies. the kids were flitting in and out all day - peg played with ciardha, daisy went over to see wee ginger belle and beth went into town to get her nails done.

looking forward to getting going tomorrow!

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