Dolly and Kiki go to the vet again

I had to take Kiki to the vet this morning as she had a sore tummy, I could feel what felt like gas bubbles, which is a serious issue for rabbits! She's been off her food too, which meant she'd lost quite a bit of weight since last Friday when she was last weighed! An injection of loxicom, metoclopramide and ranitidine, and some to take home, as well as some fiberplex, which she wasn't too happy about taking! She has eaten a tiny bit today, but not much, we have given her all her nighttime meds and she's had a big drink, so I'm hoping she'll be feeling better tomorrow! Of course, I am due to go back to work tomorrow, Sod's law, but lewis is off, so he will look after her! Not optimistic about my voice holding out for a whole day, but I'll take it easy and quietly!

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