An enormous thankyou.... everyone at BlipCentral, Calumet and Canon for a fantastic afternoon pretending to be an actual fashion photographer in 'the pit' at London Fashion Week.

Thanks to last Saturday's blip I was whisked to Somerset House by lovley Nicola from Calumet who kindly loaned me a camera with a massive lens that weighed about as much as small child to make the experience feel even more real; my diddy panasonic just wasn't going to cut it on the catwalk.

The whole experience was brilliant and nervewracking and fun and adrenaline inducing and over far too soon.

One of the best bits by far was meeting fellow blipper Raheny_eye, one of the nicest blokes you could hope to meet. He had travelled a good long way over night to make it to London on time, but was so full of warmth, good humour and enthusiasm - do check him out, he's smashing.

I took a good few hundred photographs today in about fifteen minutes, about five of them are sort of passable - if you fancy a gander at some really tall people in clothes you can see them here.

Thanks again Blip, who would have thought when I joined this great community a few months ago I would get this chance? I absolutely loved it :D

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