back to reality

It’s hard coming back down to earth after being away - especially somewhere where the locals treat you as some sort of ‘rock god’.  I exaggerate of course.  But the constant  hand-shaking, hugging and “thank you for coming - have some beer/cake - and in one case, a box of fresh eggs for each member of the band….. ” tends to inflate one’s sense of self-importance.

The supermarket run usually pulls the rug away.  What’s for tea?  No idea.  (Apart from the fresh eggs which I sampled for lunch today.)  Haven’t had to think about the mundane aspects of existence for the past 8 days.  

Bumped into fellow blipper JohnRH (I think it stands for ‘royal highness’, or something like that) in the supermarket car-park and we exchanged a few pleasantries; I didn’t ask what he was having for tea.

And so it is with blip. ‘Away’ always seems to offer limitless opportunities for blips.  Home means the garden or if desparate, the bread board.

The garden is marginally more interesting right now than the bread board.  The turning leaves on this perennial geranium caught my eye - and made me wonder if Summer happened while we were away.  That’s a reality check.

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