Port Eliot

Oh I did not feel good on waking! More lack of sleep than consumption of gin! I took some Nurofen, phoned Vegan Jo and waited until I felt better. We set off about 12!! I took 2 pink Migraleve as she got some cash out at the Coop and hoped they would do the trick! The weather forecast was rain so we had boots and waterproofs and of course my mozzie repellant! 
Well oh boy did we need the boots! I've camped there before in the rain but have never seen it so bad! The mud had been worked to a fine silt with all the rain over the previous days and was capable of sucking your boots right off your feet! However it didn't rain at all! We would have enjoyed it regardless but it's so much nicer in the sun!
We had a very gentle time - it's the best place for people watching, everyone really dresses up!  sequins seemed to be in this year fashion wise! We walked, browsed the stalls, ate and of course talked! Non-stop talking! In the afternoon after having a spinach, cheese and mushroom pancake followed by 2 yellow migraleve I began to feel myself! We made our way up to the bowling green for a coffee and eggy brioche covered in maple syrup! There was a group of people quite outlandishly dressed - must have been doing a performance which we missed! On the way to the church to listen to Martha Wilson we passed under ceiling of gorgeous satin type ribbons - so pretty! Martha was even  better than the last time I saw her - oh her voice has got even better! Does having a child change your local range?! The church has the best acoustics and stained and glass windows through which the sun poured. We left very happy and decided to have a gin sorbet! There was a group of people wearing headphones dancing - they looked so comical without being able to hear what they were dancing to! We then headed for the Black Cow saloon by the river. We came across a pendant light installation in the trees by Tom Raffield - oh it was magical!
We sat by the river and watched the people in their finery walk by - to say some were daring and some eclectic in their dress would be an understatement! I was pleased my huge 1920's beaded necklace that covered half my chest got compliments! I also took photos of the viaduct and surrounding countryside as we sat- it is all just so beautiful. 
We headed back to the main arena and had more food and a drink before hitting the music tent! A band from Ipswich all wearing welly boots! They were amazing and I danced and took photographs in equal measure! 
We headed home at 1.30 after the best of days!
Flickr is being incredibly slow - so there is an album but still not finished adding photos! But the ones so far are here if you fancy having a taste of the Port Eliot festival minus mud!
Oh and did I buy anything? But of course! A top and skirt from a very reasonable vintage stall, a bracelet to match my dark cerise Fitbit, a lovely warm cashmere poncho at half price and a blouse that wasn't but was too good to miss! Egan Jo bought a fetching wool hat and a turquoise wrap cardigan! We both brought back our £1 plastic glasses we had with our drinks! Vegan Jo drank  the gin I had brought - I stayed well clear of it! 

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