Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Flatlands of Staffordshire

I often bemoan the lack of undulation near where I live, but I think this aerial shot clearly demonstrates how flat it is.  

Had a bit of fun with the drone this morning.  This is a three row, 6 column (i.e. 18 images) panoramic stitch, done without any problems by Photoshop.  I have learnt not to try the same thing using Lightroom's photo merge function.  It doesn't cope.  I have not adjusted the altered perspective.  This is a more than 180 degree view, the railway line in the foreground is arrow straight along this section of the Staffordshire countryside.

The rectangular wood in the centre view is Springhill Covert.  Thirty years ago, when I first started working in this area much of the view you can see was a coal opencast, which may be part of the reason for the flatness of the ground!

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