St Andrew's Hill, Norwich
I captured this at 8am. No people to spoil the view, which is more common on this lane that runs from St Andrews Street (that is St Andrews Hall at the bottom) up to London Street. The office where I work is mid way on the right. I wish I could see the 19th or even 18th century lane. But the cobbled street still gives it charm.
It has been a lovely day again weather wise but of course I've been stuck in an office. At lunch time I had a wander. That is the best bit about my work location. The down side is it's hard not to spend money!
Such a lot to do at work, I've only just left, so won't be home until 7. Nothing much planned for the evening other than the last episode of In the dark, which I've enjoyed. I don't usually watch murder/crime/police dramas but this has been ok. Will get a walk in first though. I haven't seen the barn owl lately, but with all the crops harvested now, he should be about.
It is helping me organise myself by blipping early. Hope you don't mind?
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