MonoMonday184 Texture

Today's theme for MM, kindly hosted by 60plus, is texture.  This proved to be more challenging that I had first imagined: it's one thing to feel the texture of something, but to convey that effectively visually and in mono...
As usual, I didn't have as much time to ponder as I would have liked, so went for the easy option of a bowl of strawberries.  Unfortunately I didn't decide to use them until rather late in the evening when all natural light had gone.  I don't think that they look especially tasty in mono either!  Anyway, many thanks to 60plus for her month of very interesting and enjoyable challenges
In other news; Mr MC and I caught up with some TV viewing last night, when we watched the final episode of The Handmaid's Tale.  This remarkable serialisation has kept us riveted for the past 10 weeks and some of the issues are horribly relevant to what is happening in the world just now.  A second series has been commissioned and that will take us beyond the scope of Margaret's Attwood's  original book.  
Today, it is also 19 years since we moved into our current house.  When we arrived, the décor was mostly brown and olive green and most of the windows were painted shut.  The central heating was fired by coal which was kept in an internal coal cellar, thus ensuring that there was a fine layer of coal dust everywhere!  I remember the children hated it and the girls stayed away with friends for an extra night, so loath were they to come here.  The house has changed considerably of course, but I think that in their hearts, the now grown up children still preferred the house that we moved from,  the one in which they all grew up and spent so many happy childhood days.  Fortunately we only moved a couple of miles, so friendships, schooling etc didn't change and many of those friendships continue for them today.

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