A day of smells.

Up at 0530 this morning and, on venturing out of doors, it was not so much the smell but the temperature which hit me. A very hard 'car' frost.

(Can anyone explain to me why our TV weather forecasters have started to refer to 'Ground' frost as 'Grass' frost these days?)

Then on to work for the day at a local sewage treatment plant where there are definite and unmistakeable smells.

And then home to walk the dogs over to Offa's Dyke, past the dairy farm and the yard full of straw and the wonderful, sweet smell of sileage.

Believe it or not, this muck spreader does not smell, as I'm not sure it has been used for a long time. Our neighbour pumps his sewage over the fields using a tractor and very long pipe these days. The pipe has holes in it which direct the liquid into the air and then onto the fields.

And on the way back to the house, the distinctive smell of wood smoke coming from the many open fires and wood burners being lit in readiness for another cold night.

All signs that summer is over and autumn is here to stay.

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