Big Hill

By bighill

new tool...

I was inspired to buy these things called brayers...rollers that you use to apply paint or ink onto paper.....basically it's a print making today, the power went out around 11 am, and it was my day off and my plan was to do some painting.   It was lovely out on the back porch....sometimes i get bored in my little office/painting space i gathered up my supplies and set myself up on the table out back.   It was fabulous!   I had a great time exploring the various marks that can be made!  Just fun to let loose with no goal in mind!!  

The power wasn't due to come on until around 4pm so i knew i had basically the whole day to be somewhere other than in front of the computer.   it really gave me an opportunity to just play and not be distracted by the internet or email.   Just shows how many times we are taken away from what we are doing....i was pretty amazed!   Had a great time after they dried, applying some pastels....see extras for a before and after painting.   the other cool thing is that these were done on cheap sketching paper, so the pressure is completely off.....just turn over and start another one!!!

after a good walk on the beach at Englishtown, we headed back home to a late dinner out on the back porch!

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