The Way of Colour

By Beachcomber149

Valhalla VI and blue sea

14.7C and warm in the sunshine. Barely a breeze.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk after lunch. We took plenty of time today and just wandered down the field with the bridle path watching the farmer (Craigmill Farm) gathering bales with his forklift. At the gates to the little field between the cycle path and the railway line the rope that has been tied round the gate closure was gone. The sheep were near the path that runs across to the level crossing, and they seemed happy to carry on grazing as Maeve and I walked through.

There were a few people on the beach between the Fishermen's huts and the car park enjoying the sunshine. The restored tractor was down beside one of the boats on the sand when we arrived on the beach, and by the time we had walked along to the huts it had been driven back to its usual parking spot outside one of the huts. A small group of men were gathered round talking. Happy murmurings and nodding. Tractor performing well it would seem :-)

Low tide again, very low I think and a lot of sand and rocks exposed. The channel between the rocks was 'dry' almost right out to the end of the rocks, so Maeve and I had a wander out as far as we could go. We must have been 50 or 60 yards out from the high tide mark. I got this blip of Valhalla VI at the furthest out mooring point where the channel widens to the open sea.

Earlier Maeve had her corner of croissant .. it is Saturday after all. Later I watched the qualifying session for the Singapore F1 Grand Prix on telly with a mug of tea and a custard doughnut. Maeve doesn't much like F1, she thinks it is noisy :-)

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