Salamander Street

Whilst you're all of sunning yourselves, sipping cold beers and exotic cocktails in equally exotic locations, the toil continues; mostly unseen. Just because there are no blips doesn't mean the  quest isn't ongoing, the search never ending, the constant refusal to accept there aren't any more Cigs to be blipped at the forefront of my day.

And just occasionally the work pays off. There I was in the old rope factory. Soon to be sanitised and turned into yet more housing. Just making sure. I reshot the one at the back of Bookspeed and - I'll be honest - I couldn't be arsed fighting my way back to the car throught the buddleia and birch forest; I was wearing shorts; my legs were shredded. I wondered if I could sneak through between the warehouses and if that might not be easier than forcing a way back from whence I came.

The answer is no, but as I was in the process I stumbled across a previously hidden cache of Cigs / Keft / Deli works. Some good uns too. Actually, my legs got even more shredded as I squeezed under the mesh fence; and then through the nettles and brambles and willowherb. No foliage is too dense to stop me from getting my blip out to you; the patient followers. 

White paint outline; dated '16. Not one that will be on the Cigstour. Too hard to get easy access. One for the completists only.

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