
By Cygnus


Had a quick look for the MonoMonday theme and thought that 'texture' was doable :)

I went into the garden with my little Canon ixus and really enjoyed taking some shots on the theme! There was a lovely spider's web draped over some willow weaving (the Ards Man's work) but I couldn't get the focus to work in a way that pleased me. In the end I focussed on some willow twigs in the weaving, so that's the story behind my image for today !

Have had a busy, sociable day so far, with a meeting for an English lesson with my Argentinian pupil in the morning and then various errands, including posting a few cards. It's going to be a busy week, but busy with nice things like my book group, coffee with friends and outings to look for arty birthday gifts!

Hope your week is rich and colourful :)

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