Shimmers of Green, Shimmers of Blue

It was as perfect a summer day as I can remember. The sky was blue, the woods were green, and there was wall-to-wall sunshine. The day was filled with possibilities. In our younger years, my husband and I used to spend a lot of time at Hyner Run and Hyner View state parks, not far from Renovo. I don't think we managed to get there even one time last year.

So we decided to seize the day and make a trip to Hyner Run, where we would swim in the swimming pool and wade in the stream that runs through the park. When we got there, we put on our water shoes and waded right in.

The water was cool and wonderful, and butterflies were plenty. Above is a view looking downstream while I was standing in the middle of the creek. The water surface reflected the shimmer of the green woods and the blue, blue sky.

There was one last treat in store: we stopped at the Kentucky Fried Chicken in Lock Haven for an early dinner: three-piece chicken tenders for him, and a two-piece dark meat meal for me. Sides included biscuits with butter, mashed potatoes and gravy, and cole slaw. We don't have any KFC restaurants near us anymore, so it was a rare treat. The end to a perfect day!

The soundtrack is Amy Macdonald, with Green and Blue.

Bonus: two additional prior blips featuring these same waters:
Wade in the Water
Stream Sitting: Me, in My Native Habitat

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