
Thank you 60plus for hosting MM this month.

Today's theme is texture and I was going to do the chocolate fondue tonight but, delicious as it was, it set a bit quickly (without a proper fondue pot) and didn't show the texture I was counting on.

So instead I've adapted this image of Adelaide tobogganing which I think shows the texture of the snow and falling snowflakes.
The extra is Henry. He has really taken to the snow.

Elizabeth and Hugh did well in skill school. Hugh started in the bottom class but has been promoted tomorrow.
Elizabeth says her whole class has been promoted!
She is doing really well. We skied with her after the class and she was able to ski all the way back to the lodge with us.
On the chair lift she made the comment "I wish I could take a photo". Isn't that a sign of a true Blipper :-)

It snowed lightly all day which freshened things up. Nice to ski on but my gloves got very wet.
The next couple of days are forecast fine then more snow but all that can change.

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