Ponies at Work

Another stunning day.  Warm and mostly sunny all day.  There was a bit of cloud cover now and again.  

I've been working in the Croft House Museum today and a busy morning.  I had 54 customers before lunch, may not sound much but it is in a small house.  Met friends big Brian and Madeline for a cuppa in their caravan at Grutness at lunchtime.  This evening has been spent in the new house garden.  I don't have the keys yet, but allowed to cut grass and putter about.  Quiet night at home now.

With a busy day, the ponies have had a busy day too!  Always a top tourist attraction is petting a pony, and these ponies are very friendly.  They always come over for a chat with me and enjoy a scratch behind the lugs.  Taken at the Croft House Museum, Boddam.  

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