This Girl Can 

For a long time I have had the rage whenever I come across something that makes women and girls feel like they aren't good enough. I don't like the word sexist, as it's about more than that. In things like t-shirts for boys with slogans about science, and matching ones for girls that say they are pretty. And in sport where successful and amazing women are constantly compared against the men. And when you get angry and passionate about something and a man gently says " it your time of the month?" "No, I'm just bloody angry!". And when you read references to breast feeding as being "getting them out", from Dove, that well known global brand, you feel like there's no hope. 

But this girl can. All girls can! All women can! (I'm loving Mayim Bialik's recent blogs and writing about why adults should stop calling women "girls"! She has so many brilliant parts, a true this girl can!)

Not many things give me the rage. But being a woman should never stop anyone, anywhere in the world being able to do whatever they want. From the luxury of playing sport, to the serious issue of driving where it is banned, and seeking education.  I think my rage and passion is only going to get stronger! 

Incidentally, little one is wearing a unisex football strip (hurrah!), 'boys' socks, and 'girls' trainers. 'Obviously' boys as they are grey, and girls as they have the tiniest flek of pink in them. 

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