I Spy with my Little Eye-Luca!

The carousing and socialising of yesterday continued this morning when His Lordship and I were joined at the high table in the Temple of Toast by His Lordship's brother, grandson and partner. With the large meal of last night weighing heavily on minds and tummies, it was a modest intake of goodies. Even the bacon and sausage roll ordered by a youthful participant was quickly judged as being on the generous side of calorie intake and largely left uneaten.
We enjoyed having company to blether to while we downed our quota of toast, and it certainly made a change from sitting like a lot of married couples, silent and reading the papers.

There was more company this afternoon when David and Luca dropped in on their way home from town. I can't help apologising to Luca for the non existent Scottish summer. Any current weather map of Budapest shows row after row of little yellow suns, while the weather map of Edinburgh has row after row of colourless clouds with raindrops falling from them.
I wonder when the novelty of never knowing the time and the place of the next soaking will pall and she will yearn for a summer that lives up to its name.

Bless her, she still keeps smiling!

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