Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger

Sweeping the Garden of Allah

My family has the incredible privilege of living in a tiny piece of heaven. Our street is called Jardim de Alá, "Garden of Allah". You will find gardens of Allah all over Brazil (streets, parks, neighbourhoods). I haven't figured out where this fascination with the gardens of Allah comes from, but I must say I like that name. When we were looking for a house one and a half years ago and I heard that name, I knew this was the street we were moving into. It was in this street that I rediscovered my passion for photography, it was here that I learned to find beauty in everything. 
The "Garden of Allah" isn't very beautiful in itself. The street is unpaved, and when it rains it turns into a big mud hole. 
The garden of Allah taught me two things: Heaven is not a place out of this world. Heaven isn't even a synonym of external beauty. Heaven can be everywhere. 
I have found heaven so many times since I took up photography. I wanted to shoot something specific, and the moment I released the shutter, life added a little detail, a little gift, that made that picture dear to my heart. Like here: The woman sweeping the street in front of her house is Dona Lucinda, a lady of about 70 years of age. The moment I released the shutter, her movements or a gust of wind made her dress dance and added grace to her figure. I wouldn't have noticed it hadn't I been looking through my camera. 
Oh, and I almost forgot: When the morning sun shines on those mud holes in Allah's Garden, you understand why they say that in heaven the streets are made of gold. 

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