Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

A Day with the Birds

After a cold start, Mrs H and I have spent most of the day outside on  our deck, enjoying the sunshine and the activity of the birdlife around the house.

Today's soundtrack has been the chattering of fantails, hunting in spirals between the garden and the trees at the top of the slope, picking off midges as the go. Occasionally they'd land for a breather, so I was there to capture this one briefly at rest between hunting forays.

Our resident kerry has been in the kowhai again - check the extras for a view of him picking up something delicious.

We didn't stay overnight at the gorge last night after taking the camper up there for a photoshoot, but this afternoon gave us a chance to sort out the  teardrop trailer ready for the next night photography foray. If you missed the shot yesterday, take a look at the results from Waihi Gorge. Next stop, star trails in the Rangitata Valley.

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