Faces of finnish women

Bicycled into the centre of the city with hubby today - we visited to see the flower week fiesta where the Samba Roseira dance school of Tampere did perform with almost 140 dancers... Some more shots here.

Warm and nice day, in the evening me, hubby and our daugher did go to watch highly perfomed summer theatre in Pyynikki, Young Housewife of Niskavuori was the play. Quite imperssive play, I think. Written in 1940 by Hella Wuolijoki. Story shows the strong nature of finnish women - already at that time...

In the evening our son did go to some discos with his friends as chauffeur to his two girlfriends - and our daughter did go to the lake for romantic rowing with her boyfriend. Still and warm night. 

Nice to stay home!


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