Bumps in the Road

By JimJ


The wee man took it upon himself to give the family a score today.
"Mama is 97"
"Oh that's nice" said Nikki
"Grandma 177"
"Oh, lucky Grandma"
"But Robbie is 184" says the wee man
"What about Dada? What score does Dada have?"
"Erm... 67"
"What about Nelly?" Enquired Nikki, tentatively.
"I don't like her very much. She is a 12"
Like a shot, Nelly shouts "I'm not 12, I'm two!"
Ignoring her outburst, he continues "Ori is 1000, and Emily (who he met once for a couple of hours in Australia) is 1087"

Maybe his judgement was clouded seeing as he woke at 3:45am this morning. Still, he did manage to run after me after I left the house, opening the door and shooting out to me "I love you Dada! Have a nice day at work!"

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